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It was a scene worthy of an episode of The Sopranos: Two mob-tied figures standing in a Queens salvage yard loudly accusing each other of being rats. The dispute took place on a July day last year when one of the men, Bonanno soldier John (Bazoo) Ragano, angrily berated the other for failing to make good on a $150,000 loanshark debt that he owed Ragano. Gang Land has learned.

The delinquent debtor, Vincent Martino, responded that he wasn’t about to pay Bazoo what he owed, the reason being that he believed Ragano was cooperating with the government. Ragano angrily denied the allegation. He then flipped it back on Martino, accusing him of being a wired-up snitch. Martino strongly denied this as well.

“Okay, well then take off your fucking shit right now my man,” Ragano shouted, according to portions of the tape recorded conversation that was detailed in a court filing by the feds this week. “Take off your fucking pants right now, lemme see, I want to see,” he said.