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Tag Archives: From Here To Eternity

The photo that apparently links Frank Sinatra to the Mafia: Pictured with the singer are Tommy 'Fatso' Marson, Don Carlo Gambino 'The Godfather', and Jimmy 'The Weasel' Fratianno

Sinatra called  Jimmy “the Weasel” Fratianno  a dirty fink.

  The plausibility of author Mario Puzo was to blame.

In his book and film of The God­father, the flagging career of a singer named Johnny Fontane is rescued when he gets an important film part — thanks to a blood-­dripping racehorse’s head left by the Mafia as a warning in the studio boss’s bed.

To many people, ­Fontane just had to be a dead ringer for Frank Sinatra.

Everyone knew Sinatra’s casting in the 1953 film From Here To Eternity led to a desperately needed revival of his fortunes. Everyone had heard the rumours of his Mafia connections. Puzo was of southern-Italian ancestry and steeped in his subject. His take in The Godfather, though fictional, seemed confirmation of a sort.

Numerous writers have put considerable effort into cobbling up a case that the Mob really was behind Frank getting the Oscar-winning part. In reality, though, he got it by a different sort of graft — his sheer persistence in pestering the studio, the producer, the director and the screen writer with a non-stop flood of telegrams over many months staking his claim. Writes James Kaplan.

Some say the little place his parents ran was a Mafia hotbed, frequented by big Mob names like Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel, Dutch Schultz and Lucky Luciano, born in the same Sicilian ­village as Frank’s grandfather. To Read more  Click here: Frank Sinatra dangerous flirtation with the Mafia | Mail Online