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Monthly Archives: March 2009

Tommy “Tommy Shots” Gioeli



 Charles  Carneglia


Pacino  Godfather

THE once-dreaded Mafia is going soft in an effort to woo new recruits.

FBI agents in New York have revealed rules of entry into the city’s five Mob families have become so laidback the Cosa Nostra is now known as the “Cosy Nostra”.

The astonishing turnaround was revealed during the trial of alleged hitman Charles Carneglia in New York.

Carneglia, once known as “Crazy Eyes”, was among 62 Gambino family members and associates arrested in February last year in a series of swoops that has devastated organised crime in America.

He is accused of five murders – allegedly dousing some of his victims in acid while torturing them to death – and a string of racketeering charges.

But prosecutors were amazed last week when 62-year-old Carneglia’s lawyers adopted the so-called “withdrawal defence” – and called his hairdresser, Frank Selvaggio, to the witness stand.

Selvaggio testified that, while having his locks coiffed, Carneglia told him he had left “the life” in 2001, saying: “Everyone thinks I’m a gangster but I’m not any more.”

If jurors believe that, Carneglia could be found not guilty of racketeering, which carries a five-year sentence, although he will still face life imprisonment if convicted of murder.

The astonishing trial twist has brought to light the near collapse of the modern-day Mob, which the FBI says is now “nothing like” that portrayed in TV’s Sopranos.

One senior agent told the Daily Star Sunday: “The only similarity with the television show is that the Mafia is going out not with a bang but a whimper.”

The five families are, in fact, in such turmoil they’ve even relaxed the rules of entry.

Once, both parents had to be of Italian descent for a recruit even to be considered.

But the agent said that five years ago the rule was amended so you could join if just your father could trace his roots back to the “old country”.

He said: “Now they’ll let you in if your mom alone has ancestors – no matter how far back – who were Italian. They’re that desperate for ‘soldiers’.

“The withdrawal defence in the Carneglia trial is just one example of how the Mob is losing its honour.

“Four of the five New York families’ bosses are in prison and none of the guys still on the street want the titles.”
        Three of New York’s crime families – Gambino, Genovese and Luchese – are currently ruled by three-man committees in a break with the Godfather tradition designed to spread the risks of prosecution.

The Colombo family is in disarray since boss Tommy “Tommy Shots” Gioeli was held on murder charges last year.

But our source warned: “It’s never a good idea to write the Mafia off. People are pronouncing them all but dead but it might just take one strong leader emerging from the ranks – a new John Gotti – to reunite them again.”    

 thanks to daily star