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Stephen “The Rifleman” Flemmi

Debbie  Davis

Debbie Davis

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Trophy babe Debra Davis and repugnant mobster Stephen “The Rifleman” Flemmi made strange bedfellows, but their pillow talk so inflamed Flemmi’s gangland sidekick James “Whitey” Bulger that Bulger throttled her to death in a jealous snit
At least that’s how Flemmi, a 75-year-old lifer, remembered their love story ending Sept. 17, 1981, during disturbing testimony yesterday at U.S. District Court in three wrongful-death cases brought against the FBI on behalf of two women and a bookie slain by Boston’s deadly duo.
“When I got involved with Debbie Davis, Bulger kind of resented the fact that I didn’t spend enough time with him and our business,” Flemmi said of his affair with the Farrah Fawcett ringer, which began in the mid-1970s when she was a 17-year-old Brookline jewelry store employee and he was a seasoned serial slayer pushing 40.
A lovesick Flemmi began ignoring Bulger’s incessant efforts to reach him by phone and beeper for man dates with the corrupt FBI agent they were figuratively in bed with: John Connolly
“At one point,” Flemmi recalled, “I took her out for her birthday – nice restaurant, Boston. (Bulger) said, ‘Send her home and tell her you’ll take her out another time.’ He didn’t like her to start with. He wanted to kill her

The final straw, Flemmi said, was when he let slip to Davis that Connolly was a pal and the reason so many of their evenings together ended abruptly. Bulger balked.

The relationship with Davis “was causing a lot of grief between us,” said Flemmi, looking trim and fit in a white T-shirt and windbreaker.

Flemmi returns to the witness stand this morning, when it’s anticipated he will publicly detail for the first time how Davis died at age 26. He will likely also be questioned about Deborah Hussey, who was 27 when Bulger strangled her.

“When I look at (Flemmi), I just think he’s a piece of (expletive). He’s a pedophile,” said Tom Hussey, 74, of Deerfield Beach, Fla. – whose only child Flemmi bedded then buried in 1985 while dating Hussey’s ex-wife Marion – outside Judge William G. Young’s courtroom.

Flemmi allegedly began molesting Hussey when she was a teen.

Bulger, 79, facing 19 counts of murder, has been on the lam for 14 years despite a $2 million bounty on his head.

The loved ones of Davis, Hussey and Louis Litif are seeking financial reparations from the federal government for the FBI’s indulgence of Bulger and Flemmi’s crime wave.



Holy Crap. If Bulger didn’t like Flemmi’s two or three girls, Flemmi should of “taken care of business” and Bulger would be forever out of the picture. I am totally outraged and saddened that Debbie D. and Debbie H. are both dead. Sorry to say, but the FBI and John Connolly are alot to blame. They need to step up to the plate and admit their guilt to the families of the victims. May all those victims rest in peace. Amen.
endgovpensions  says

yeah hussey you were a great dad, maybe if you had stuck around your daughter wouldn’t have been looking for a father. As for Flemmi, why is he still alive. That’s what’s wrong with the justice system, he should be dead after killing all of those people.